Arjun HD
About me
Research Projects
Coding Projects
Arjun HD
About me
Research Projects
Coding Projects
Arjun Hard drive
About Me
Research Projects
Coding Projects
Coding Projects
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Arjun HD
About me
Research Projects
Coding Projects
Arjun's Resume
👋About Arjun

Hi 👋 I’m Arjun!

I’m a student at Georgia Tech and I am passionate about web3 tech, investing, and crypto.

I am a final-year student at Georgia Institute of Technology, concentrating on Finance with a minor in Computer Science. Besides my coursework, I have also completed prior internships at a digital asset hedge fund, pure crypto-vc.

Check out my latest Research!

Get to see more Research >


Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

Maybe it's not a good idea to shut my website down without a hardware reset button. Proceed?

Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

Permission denied. Please reconsider your actions.

Coding Projects
👋About Arjun

Hi 👋 I’m Arjun!

I’m a student at Georgia Tech and I am passionate about web3 tech, investing, and crypto.

I am a final-year student at Georgia Institute of Technology, concentrating on Finance with a minor in Computer Science. Besides my coursework, I have also completed prior internships at a digital asset hedge fund, pure crypto-vc.

Check out my latest Research!

Get to see more Research >


Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?