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This code aggregates the data from the synthetix pool and backtests returns to calculate the optimal weights for sUSD, sETH, and sBTC to capture that highest r^2 possible. This optimal portfolio would allow the user to stay neutral to the debt-pool, accumulating pure yield on staked snx.
from sys import excepthook
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
indices = ("EURUSD=X", period="3mo", interval="1d").index)
eth ="ETH-USD", period="3mo", interval="1d")
eth = eth.filter(items = indices, axis=0)['Close'].to_numpy()
btc ="BTC-USD", period="3mo", interval="1d")
btc = btc.filter(items = indices, axis=0)['Close'].to_numpy()
jpy ="JPYUSD=X", period="3mo", interval="1d")['Close'].to_numpy()
chf ="CHFUSD=X", period="3mo", interval="1d")['Close'].to_numpy()
aud ="AUDUSD=X", period="3mo", interval="1d")['Close'].to_numpy()
matic ="MATIC-USD", period="3mo", interval="1d")
matic = matic.filter(items = indices, axis=0)['Close'].to_numpy()
eur ="EURUSD=X", period="3mo", interval="1d")['Close'].to_numpy()
usd = np.ones(eur.shape)
assets = [usd, eth, btc, eur, jpy, chf, aud, matic]
assets = np.array(assets)
returns = assets[:, 1:] / assets[:, :-1]
weights = np.array([.6338, .1662, .1014, .0487, .0283, .0153, .0051, .0012])
pool_returns = weights @ returns
sim_returns = returns[:3]
m = np.linalg.lstsq(sim_returns.T, pool_returns.T, rcond=None)[0]
print(m, "weights")
yhat = m @ sim_returns
plt.plot(pool_returns, color="red")
plt.plot(yhat, color="blue")
r2 = np.corrcoef(yhat, pool_returns)[0,1]
plt.title("debt pool returns vs hedge returns " + str(r2) + " r^2")
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(pool_returns)), (pool_returns - yhat))
plt.title("residual scatter plot")
I am a final-year student at Georgia Institute of Technology, concentrating on Finance with a minor in Computer Science. Besides my coursework, I have also completed prior internships at a digital asset hedge fund, pure crypto-vc.
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Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?
Maybe it's not a good idea to shut my website down without a hardware reset button. Proceed?
Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?
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