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Factor DAO Research Report — $FCTR Sale

Factor DAO Research Report — $FCTR Sale

Factor DAO -- $FCTR Sale



Factor Dao is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that operates on the Arbitrum network. It aims to solve several problems that currently exist in the DeFi ecosystem, such as the lack of transparency, fragmented user experience, and technical barriers.

The platform offers a simplified user journey and provides access to a range of DeFi protocols, making it easier for investors to aggregate their strategies. Additionally, the platform is powered by a set of transparent and auditable algorithms that optimize investment strategies by automatically reallocating assets based on market conditions. This allows investors to track the performance of their investments and provides transparency in the investment process.

Factor Dao also incentivizes traders to create effective investment strategies by allocating performance fees based on the performance of the vaults and the traders that have deposited within them. This incentivizes traders to create effective investment strategies and provides a transparent and fair way to reward their efforts.

By enabling traders and investors to work together in this way, Factor Dao aims to provide a more efficient and effective way to invest in the DeFi ecosystem. Ultimately, Factor Dao aims to provide a transparent, user-friendly, and accessible DeFi experience that is open to everyone.

Figure 1 -- FCTR Allocation -- 100M Cap

Defi Middleware

Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between different applications or systems, enabling them to communicate and exchange data. In the context of DeFi, middleware can be thought of as a layer that interconnects different protocols across the ecosystem, creating a more efficient and accessible system for developers and users alike. This can help to reduce the technical barriers associated with DeFi, making it easier for users to access different protocols and creating new possibilities for asset and liquidity management.

The potential for middleware in DeFi is vast, as increased interoperability can help to unlock the full potential of decentralized finance. By creating a more connected ecosystem, middleware can enable developers to build new solutions that integrate multiple protocols, opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth. This could help to drive adoption of DeFi by making it more user-friendly and accessible, ultimately leading to greater financial inclusion and empowerment. As such, the potential for middleware in DeFi is significant and could play a key role in shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Figure 2 -- Defi Middleware


Factor Dao's use of ERC-4626 vaults is a key feature that offers several benefits to users. One of the primary advantages is increased interoperability. By using the ERC-4626 standard, Factor's vaults can be easily integrated with other DeFi protocols that support this standard. This means that investors can easily move assets between different platforms, increasing the flexibility and efficiency of their investment strategies.

In addition to increased interoperability, ERC-4626 vaults also decrease friction between assets. This is because the standard provides a common interface for different asset types, making it easier for them to interact with each other. This decreases the need for complex cross-asset bridging and reduces the likelihood of errors or loss of assets during the process.

Finally, the use of ERC-4626 vaults also allows for increased liquidity by decreasing the fragmentation of liquidity. This means that assets are more easily tradeable, increasing their overall value and attractiveness to investors. By using a common standard for vaults, Factor Dao is helping to create a more cohesive and efficient DeFi ecosystem that is accessible to a wider range of users. Ultimately, this will help to drive the growth and adoption of DeFi, making it more accessible and beneficial to everyone.

Factor DAO


Factor Dao operates on the Arbitrum network and provides a range of infrastructure for DeFi asset management. This infrastructure includes yield pools, which allow users to earn yield on their assets, tokenized baskets that represent a basket of assets that can be traded as a single token, and vaults, which are portfolios of assets optimized for specific investment strategies. The platform also provides general asset management services for DeFi investments on the Arbitrum network. By providing this infrastructure, Factor Dao aims to simplify the user journey, provide transparency in the investment process, and make DeFi investments more accessible to everyone.

Figure 3 -- Factor Infrastructure Flow


Tokenized Baskets:

Tokenized Baskets are a novel concept introduced by Factor Dao that offers several benefits to the traditional investment landscape. A Tokenized Basket is essentially a basket of assets represented by a single token, which can be traded on decentralized exchanges. This allows investors to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets without having to purchase and manage each asset individually. Each Tokenized Basket is fully collateralized by the underlying assets, providing investors with a high degree of security and transparency.

One of the primary benefits of Tokenized Baskets is their accessibility. Traditional investment vehicles such as mutual funds and hedge funds often require large minimum investments and have high management fees. Tokenized Baskets, on the other hand, have lower barriers to entry and often have lower management fees due to the automated nature of the investment process. Additionally, Tokenized Baskets are more transparent than traditional investment vehicles, providing investors with real-time data on the performance of the underlying assets.

Finally, Tokenized Baskets offer greater flexibility than traditional investment vehicles. Investors can easily trade baskets on decentralized exchanges, allowing them to quickly adjust their investment strategy based on market conditions. Overall, Tokenized Baskets offer a compelling alternative to traditional investment vehicles, providing investors with greater accessibility, transparency, and flexibility.

Figure 4 -- Factor’s Tokenized Baskets

Yield Pools:

Allow creators to deploy bespoke pools for borrowing and lending. Siloed pools allow risk to be contained within the pool and not bleed to others; each pool is rated based on your particular risk appetite. Users will simply deposit collateral based on that pool's collateralization ratio; liquid assets are better suited for collateralization purposes as well.

Figure 5 -- Factor’s Yield Pools

Derivative Origination:

Factor Dao is developing vault standards for derivative origination that could potentially streamline the process of creating and trading decentralized derivatives on any underlying asset in a trustless and permissionless manner. This technology has the potential to enable users to create risk management tools, such as hedged positions, delta neutral strategies, or credit default swaps. The availability of these structures could offer treasury managers the tools they need to hedge their positions during times of market uncertainty and high volatility. The technology's implementation could bring more flexibility and accessibility to the decentralized finance landscape, allowing for a more diverse range of investors to participate.

Figure 6 -- Factor’s Derivatives Origination

Market Analysis

Competitive Advantage

Decreasing the fragmentation of DeFi liquidity:

Factor's vault standards for decentralized derivatives allow for increased liquidity and decreased fragmentation of DeFi assets. With the ability to create tokenized baskets, multiple underlying assets can be combined into a single token, making it easier for users to manage their portfolios and trade across assets. This streamlined approach allows for increased interoperability, decreasing friction between assets and making it easier to trade.

Taking advantage of Arbitrum success:

Arbitrum's success has led to increased interest in decentralized finance, and Factor is taking advantage of this by offering their services on the Arbitrum network. With Arbitrum becoming 20-100x cheaper to use, more funds are expected to flow into the network, increasing liquidity and trading volumes. By being on the Arbitrum network, Factor has access to a large and growing user base, giving them a competitive advantage over other platforms.


The Ethereum Shanghai upgrade and EIP-4844 bring technological upgrades to DeFi and unlock the ability to stake ETH, allowing billions of sidelined capital to enter new ecosystems. With the integration of liquid staking derivatives, Factor can offer users the ability to leverage diversification at a level that was previously not possible. This allows for risk management and the ability to unlock veFCTR by paying a necessary fee, giving users the ability to remove liquidity when needed.


Factor's ability to customize real-world assets into tokenized baskets has been gaining traction in the crypto space. By offering tokenized baskets that combine multiple real-world assets, Factor is able to provide users with a more diverse investment portfolio, increasing the appeal of their platform. This also allows users to manage their investments under one roof, eliminating the need for brokerage firms or online management.

Increased appeal to large treasuries:

Factor's ability to offer single or double-digit APYs on stable assets has the potential to greatly expand their user base, particularly among large treasuries. By providing a product that allows treasuries to safely deposit 8, 9, and 10 figure amounts for yielding purposes, Factor can greatly expand their TVL and user activity. This can be particularly appealing to treasuries that are hesitant to go long on crypto assets due to high volatility.


Security Concerns for Large Treasuries:

Large treasuries are always looking for opportunities to earn yield on their funds, but they are also cautious about investing their entire reserves into one platform. In order for Factor to attract these large treasuries, it needs to establish strong security measures and have a clean track record of security. If there are any security breaches or hacks, it could scare off these large investors and damage the reputation of the platform. Obviously idiosyncratic risk to Factor itself is something that you can’t diversify away from along with systematic risk across crypto.

Limited Value Accrual for FCTR Token:

While the FCTR token is essential to the Factor ecosystem, it does not have a strong value accrual mechanism. The only way for the FCTR token to appreciate in value is through the growth of the platform and increased usage of tokenized baskets. This lack of value accrual could limit the appeal of the FCTR token to investors and make it less attractive as a long-term investment.

Liquidity Crunches Could Kill the Protocol:

One of the key advantages of tokenized baskets is that they can decrease fragmentation of liquidity, but this also means that the protocol is more susceptible to liquidity crunches. If there is a sudden rush of investors trying to sell their tokens at the same time, it could cause a liquidity crunch and damage the protocol. This risk is inherent to the tokenized basket model, and Factor will need to have robust liquidity management strategies in place to prevent this from happening.

Market Saturation: In a highly competitive DeFi market, Factor faces the challenge of standing out from other similar protocols. One notable competitor is Frax and Balancer, a decentralized exchange that allows for customizable pools of assets and provides automated market-making services. During a deep bear market, where margin gains can be make or break for protocols, the competition becomes even more intense. In such a scenario, it may be difficult for Factor to attract users and maintain its market share against these and other potential competitors.

Public Token Launch

Fair Price Auction

The fair price auction model is a way of determining the price of a token that aims to create a level playing field for all participants and prevent manipulation of prices. By allowing all participants to bid on tokens at any point during a set period, the model prevents any individual or group from taking advantage of a public drop. The auction's duration also ensures that all participants have equal opportunity to place bids and receive tokens at the fair price, which is determined by a formula based on the bids placed.

Camelot DEX is using the fair price auction model to distribute FCTR tokens, the token of Factor Dao. The four-day auction period allows participants to place bids without the risk of being undercut by other traders or bots, as all bids are treated equally. By distributing tokens at a fair price, Camelot DEX and Factor Dao hope to create a more accessible and equitable marketplace that benefits all participants. The fair price auction model represents a new approach to token distribution that seeks to promote fairness and transparency in the marketplace.

Figure 7 -- Camelot Factor fair Auction (02/23 @ 2:22 est)

Trading Ideas

General Note:

The purpose of a fixed-price auction system is to prevent trading around the launch period. This makes trading around this time not only difficult to create profit, but also risky. Price discovery in the auction seems inauthentic. I would personally wait for maturity, price discovery, partnerships, TVL, and diversity of vaults.

Speculative + Stake

Given: Bullish on Factor on long-term

Strategy: Buy at very end of auction to take advantage of potentially deflated prices, use $FCTR to stake given timeline.

Figure 8 -- veFCTR conversion

Buyers Remorse + Long-Term

Given: Buyer’s will potentially sell off early since there is no product with high market-cap.

Strategy: Buy at deflated prices and stake via locking mechanism.

API-Tracking Speculative

Given: Proper API-documentation to track KPIs

Strategy: Keep an eye out for TVL, mature price discovery, etc for investment purposes

Vault Creation

Given: Novel strategy that attracts depositsStrategy: Be the first to create a pool, vault, or tokenized vault. Rake in performance and management fees


Given: Bullish on Factor and are trying to hedge risk e.g. hack or security vulnerability

Strategy: Put way out of the money to hedge against risk and buy FCTR as speculative and don’t stake. Note that volatility can be overpriced and maek the strategy unprofitable.


Project -
Factor DAO Research Report — $FCTR Sale

Factor DAO Research Report — $FCTR Sale

Factor DAO -- $FCTR Sale



Factor Dao is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that operates on the Arbitrum network. It aims to solve several problems that currently exist in the DeFi ecosystem, such as the lack of transparency, fragmented user experience, and technical barriers.

The platform offers a simplified user journey and provides access to a range of DeFi protocols, making it easier for investors to aggregate their strategies. Additionally, the platform is powered by a set of transparent and auditable algorithms that optimize investment strategies by automatically reallocating assets based on market conditions. This allows investors to track the performance of their investments and provides transparency in the investment process.

Factor Dao also incentivizes traders to create effective investment strategies by allocating performance fees based on the performance of the vaults and the traders that have deposited within them. This incentivizes traders to create effective investment strategies and provides a transparent and fair way to reward their efforts.

By enabling traders and investors to work together in this way, Factor Dao aims to provide a more efficient and effective way to invest in the DeFi ecosystem. Ultimately, Factor Dao aims to provide a transparent, user-friendly, and accessible DeFi experience that is open to everyone.

Figure 1 -- FCTR Allocation -- 100M Cap

Defi Middleware

Middleware is software that acts as a bridge between different applications or systems, enabling them to communicate and exchange data. In the context of DeFi, middleware can be thought of as a layer that interconnects different protocols across the ecosystem, creating a more efficient and accessible system for developers and users alike. This can help to reduce the technical barriers associated with DeFi, making it easier for users to access different protocols and creating new possibilities for asset and liquidity management.

The potential for middleware in DeFi is vast, as increased interoperability can help to unlock the full potential of decentralized finance. By creating a more connected ecosystem, middleware can enable developers to build new solutions that integrate multiple protocols, opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth. This could help to drive adoption of DeFi by making it more user-friendly and accessible, ultimately leading to greater financial inclusion and empowerment. As such, the potential for middleware in DeFi is significant and could play a key role in shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Figure 2 -- Defi Middleware


Factor Dao's use of ERC-4626 vaults is a key feature that offers several benefits to users. One of the primary advantages is increased interoperability. By using the ERC-4626 standard, Factor's vaults can be easily integrated with other DeFi protocols that support this standard. This means that investors can easily move assets between different platforms, increasing the flexibility and efficiency of their investment strategies.

In addition to increased interoperability, ERC-4626 vaults also decrease friction between assets. This is because the standard provides a common interface for different asset types, making it easier for them to interact with each other. This decreases the need for complex cross-asset bridging and reduces the likelihood of errors or loss of assets during the process.

Finally, the use of ERC-4626 vaults also allows for increased liquidity by decreasing the fragmentation of liquidity. This means that assets are more easily tradeable, increasing their overall value and attractiveness to investors. By using a common standard for vaults, Factor Dao is helping to create a more cohesive and efficient DeFi ecosystem that is accessible to a wider range of users. Ultimately, this will help to drive the growth and adoption of DeFi, making it more accessible and beneficial to everyone.

Factor DAO


Factor Dao operates on the Arbitrum network and provides a range of infrastructure for DeFi asset management. This infrastructure includes yield pools, which allow users to earn yield on their assets, tokenized baskets that represent a basket of assets that can be traded as a single token, and vaults, which are portfolios of assets optimized for specific investment strategies. The platform also provides general asset management services for DeFi investments on the Arbitrum network. By providing this infrastructure, Factor Dao aims to simplify the user journey, provide transparency in the investment process, and make DeFi investments more accessible to everyone.

Figure 3 -- Factor Infrastructure Flow


Tokenized Baskets:

Tokenized Baskets are a novel concept introduced by Factor Dao that offers several benefits to the traditional investment landscape. A Tokenized Basket is essentially a basket of assets represented by a single token, which can be traded on decentralized exchanges. This allows investors to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets without having to purchase and manage each asset individually. Each Tokenized Basket is fully collateralized by the underlying assets, providing investors with a high degree of security and transparency.

One of the primary benefits of Tokenized Baskets is their accessibility. Traditional investment vehicles such as mutual funds and hedge funds often require large minimum investments and have high management fees. Tokenized Baskets, on the other hand, have lower barriers to entry and often have lower management fees due to the automated nature of the investment process. Additionally, Tokenized Baskets are more transparent than traditional investment vehicles, providing investors with real-time data on the performance of the underlying assets.

Finally, Tokenized Baskets offer greater flexibility than traditional investment vehicles. Investors can easily trade baskets on decentralized exchanges, allowing them to quickly adjust their investment strategy based on market conditions. Overall, Tokenized Baskets offer a compelling alternative to traditional investment vehicles, providing investors with greater accessibility, transparency, and flexibility.

Figure 4 -- Factor’s Tokenized Baskets

Yield Pools:

Allow creators to deploy bespoke pools for borrowing and lending. Siloed pools allow risk to be contained within the pool and not bleed to others; each pool is rated based on your particular risk appetite. Users will simply deposit collateral based on that pool's collateralization ratio; liquid assets are better suited for collateralization purposes as well.

Figure 5 -- Factor’s Yield Pools

Derivative Origination:

Factor Dao is developing vault standards for derivative origination that could potentially streamline the process of creating and trading decentralized derivatives on any underlying asset in a trustless and permissionless manner. This technology has the potential to enable users to create risk management tools, such as hedged positions, delta neutral strategies, or credit default swaps. The availability of these structures could offer treasury managers the tools they need to hedge their positions during times of market uncertainty and high volatility. The technology's implementation could bring more flexibility and accessibility to the decentralized finance landscape, allowing for a more diverse range of investors to participate.

Figure 6 -- Factor’s Derivatives Origination

Market Analysis

Competitive Advantage

Decreasing the fragmentation of DeFi liquidity:

Factor's vault standards for decentralized derivatives allow for increased liquidity and decreased fragmentation of DeFi assets. With the ability to create tokenized baskets, multiple underlying assets can be combined into a single token, making it easier for users to manage their portfolios and trade across assets. This streamlined approach allows for increased interoperability, decreasing friction between assets and making it easier to trade.

Taking advantage of Arbitrum success:

Arbitrum's success has led to increased interest in decentralized finance, and Factor is taking advantage of this by offering their services on the Arbitrum network. With Arbitrum becoming 20-100x cheaper to use, more funds are expected to flow into the network, increasing liquidity and trading volumes. By being on the Arbitrum network, Factor has access to a large and growing user base, giving them a competitive advantage over other platforms.


The Ethereum Shanghai upgrade and EIP-4844 bring technological upgrades to DeFi and unlock the ability to stake ETH, allowing billions of sidelined capital to enter new ecosystems. With the integration of liquid staking derivatives, Factor can offer users the ability to leverage diversification at a level that was previously not possible. This allows for risk management and the ability to unlock veFCTR by paying a necessary fee, giving users the ability to remove liquidity when needed.


Factor's ability to customize real-world assets into tokenized baskets has been gaining traction in the crypto space. By offering tokenized baskets that combine multiple real-world assets, Factor is able to provide users with a more diverse investment portfolio, increasing the appeal of their platform. This also allows users to manage their investments under one roof, eliminating the need for brokerage firms or online management.

Increased appeal to large treasuries:

Factor's ability to offer single or double-digit APYs on stable assets has the potential to greatly expand their user base, particularly among large treasuries. By providing a product that allows treasuries to safely deposit 8, 9, and 10 figure amounts for yielding purposes, Factor can greatly expand their TVL and user activity. This can be particularly appealing to treasuries that are hesitant to go long on crypto assets due to high volatility.


Security Concerns for Large Treasuries:

Large treasuries are always looking for opportunities to earn yield on their funds, but they are also cautious about investing their entire reserves into one platform. In order for Factor to attract these large treasuries, it needs to establish strong security measures and have a clean track record of security. If there are any security breaches or hacks, it could scare off these large investors and damage the reputation of the platform. Obviously idiosyncratic risk to Factor itself is something that you can’t diversify away from along with systematic risk across crypto.

Limited Value Accrual for FCTR Token:

While the FCTR token is essential to the Factor ecosystem, it does not have a strong value accrual mechanism. The only way for the FCTR token to appreciate in value is through the growth of the platform and increased usage of tokenized baskets. This lack of value accrual could limit the appeal of the FCTR token to investors and make it less attractive as a long-term investment.

Liquidity Crunches Could Kill the Protocol:

One of the key advantages of tokenized baskets is that they can decrease fragmentation of liquidity, but this also means that the protocol is more susceptible to liquidity crunches. If there is a sudden rush of investors trying to sell their tokens at the same time, it could cause a liquidity crunch and damage the protocol. This risk is inherent to the tokenized basket model, and Factor will need to have robust liquidity management strategies in place to prevent this from happening.

Market Saturation: In a highly competitive DeFi market, Factor faces the challenge of standing out from other similar protocols. One notable competitor is Frax and Balancer, a decentralized exchange that allows for customizable pools of assets and provides automated market-making services. During a deep bear market, where margin gains can be make or break for protocols, the competition becomes even more intense. In such a scenario, it may be difficult for Factor to attract users and maintain its market share against these and other potential competitors.

Public Token Launch

Fair Price Auction

The fair price auction model is a way of determining the price of a token that aims to create a level playing field for all participants and prevent manipulation of prices. By allowing all participants to bid on tokens at any point during a set period, the model prevents any individual or group from taking advantage of a public drop. The auction's duration also ensures that all participants have equal opportunity to place bids and receive tokens at the fair price, which is determined by a formula based on the bids placed.

Camelot DEX is using the fair price auction model to distribute FCTR tokens, the token of Factor Dao. The four-day auction period allows participants to place bids without the risk of being undercut by other traders or bots, as all bids are treated equally. By distributing tokens at a fair price, Camelot DEX and Factor Dao hope to create a more accessible and equitable marketplace that benefits all participants. The fair price auction model represents a new approach to token distribution that seeks to promote fairness and transparency in the marketplace.

Figure 7 -- Camelot Factor fair Auction (02/23 @ 2:22 est)

Trading Ideas

General Note:

The purpose of a fixed-price auction system is to prevent trading around the launch period. This makes trading around this time not only difficult to create profit, but also risky. Price discovery in the auction seems inauthentic. I would personally wait for maturity, price discovery, partnerships, TVL, and diversity of vaults.

Speculative + Stake

Given: Bullish on Factor on long-term

Strategy: Buy at very end of auction to take advantage of potentially deflated prices, use $FCTR to stake given timeline.

Figure 8 -- veFCTR conversion

Buyers Remorse + Long-Term

Given: Buyer’s will potentially sell off early since there is no product with high market-cap.

Strategy: Buy at deflated prices and stake via locking mechanism.

API-Tracking Speculative

Given: Proper API-documentation to track KPIs

Strategy: Keep an eye out for TVL, mature price discovery, etc for investment purposes

Vault Creation

Given: Novel strategy that attracts depositsStrategy: Be the first to create a pool, vault, or tokenized vault. Rake in performance and management fees


Given: Bullish on Factor and are trying to hedge risk e.g. hack or security vulnerability

Strategy: Put way out of the money to hedge against risk and buy FCTR as speculative and don’t stake. Note that volatility can be overpriced and maek the strategy unprofitable.


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